Monday, October 8, 2012

Muscle Building For Women - What's The Possibilities And The Limitations?

Both men and women are able to build up a significant amount of muscles by eating right and training with weights. Men however will be able to build more muscles as well as more rapidly than women due to different hormonal levels among the two genders. In order for a woman to build up a noticeable amount of muscle mass she'll need to push for a high intensity in weight training and eat a proper nourishing diet.

How Muscle Grow 

Muscle growth occurs when your muscle fibers are constantly overloaded with heavy weight lifting. This will cause the worked muscles to be left damaged by  the end of the workout session. These damaged muscle tissues will respond by repairing with an increase in size and and a higher quantity of contractile proteins, which will ultimately make the trainee end up with an increase in size of muscle fibers.

Understanding Testosterone 

Testosterone is the principal sex hormone in men and it plays a key role in regulating muscle mass. One key function of testosterone is it increases protein synthesis within cells, which results in the build up of cellular tissue (anabolism), especially in muscles. The plasma concentration of testosterone in men is about 7-8 times as great as the concentration of women on average. This distinction result in males to have more noticeable muscle build ups than women when trained in the same way.

Women Can Build Muscle With The Right Workout Program

Despite having a much lower testosterone level than men, women can still build up noticeable amounts of muscle mass by consistently taking part in a good weight training program that is specifically designed to induce muscle growth.

This program should incorporate a good rep and set scheme for maximum intensity. However, unless you're a woman who plans to get into professional bodybuilding you should minimize the amount of muscle mass you put on your body, which should be pretty easy because building muscle takes time, intensity and hard work.

There are many female models and celebrities that train with weights but do not look overly muscular, neither do they look masculine in appearance. The weight lifting basically caused them to have a nicer tone in appearance. I believe if you're woman who want to get into weight training to build muscle your aim should be to get the slim and toned body type.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Your Strength Training Program - How To Gain Strength Without Gaining Muscle

When you think about getting stronger you'll believe the only way this is possible is to train to increase the size of your muscles. True, the more muscles you build the stronger you should get as well, but most people are not aware that muscle size and muscle strength does not directly correlate. It's possible to workout in a way that minimizes muscle damage thus minimize muscle growth, but at the same gain a substantial amount of strength.

The approach of gaining strength without gaining muscle is very important for achieving the ultra lean and muscular physique because working the muscle in that way will also increase muscle density to contribute to a sharp-looking body.

If you want to learn more about how this is accomplished click here to download the free report Your Strength Training Program - Advance Tips To Gain Strength Quickly Without Gaining A Massive Amount Of Muscle. The information in this report will help you clear up any misconceptions you have about strength gain and muscle building. Download Now

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What Is The Shrink Wrap Effect?

The Shrink Wrap Effect is one of Rusty Moore's advance techniques to get your body to display maximum muscle definition for any special event. This technique is not just about losing body fat, it involves making your muscle look fuller and much more sharp. You can use this exact strategy before summer or an upcoming special event and you will look shaper than ever.

This technique is the way of getting the skin to wrap really tight around the muscles, so you look more ripped than ever. Sometimes you see people with really well defined abs - whereby all the grooves in the abdominal area are clearly visible and the muscle is really tight against the skin. Some people get this at times and they're not aware of exactly how it happened.

Rusty Moore found out exactly how to achieve this effect and he reveals it all in this free ebook. The best thing about the shrink wrap effect is it stays on for months and it's very easy to maintain.

The entire technique is explained in this Free ebook. Just click to get it Now 100% free