Friday, September 28, 2012

Kellon Lutz Workout Routine And Info On How Kellon Lutz Maintain A Fit Body

Actor Kellon Lutz got much attention for his physique which he has been maintaining for years. You should notice that Lutz is also lean and muscular which is the male body type that is being admired and promoted in Hollywood.

How Did Kellon Lutz Start Building His Body 

Lutz has been in great shape since his days in school. He's benefited a lot from his love for athletics. He played football in high school and also worked out regularly in the gym. The actor clearly had a passion for being active. He said one of the reasons he chose Chapman University for attending was because it is located close to the beach.

Kellon Lutz Workout Routine For Movie Roles 

Kellon Lutz did not have to make any major body transformation for his movie roles. It was just a matter of getting into his best shape. While filming the HBO series Generation Kill in 2007 in the African desert he and his fellow actors challenged one another in pushup and situp contests and lifting weights in a makeshift gym.

Lutz main workout for staying in shape includes starting his session with 5 minutes of cardio followed with working out the core. Core activation will allow him to get maximum muscle utilization in all his other exercise. After a few sets of powerful full-body workouts, Lutz do simpler exercises that target specific muscles, letting his body recover a bit before another blast of energy and muscle-fiber recruitment.

Kellon Lutz Workouts Outside The Gym

Working out in the gym is just one part of Kellon Lutz workout routine. The actor loves hiking, swimming and walking his dog as regular hobbies. All these activities has tremendous benefit for fitness including burning fat and increasing endurance. This is the reason Lutz has a very low body fat level in most pictures and movies he is in. Keeping a low body fat percentage is key for having an impressive lean and muscular physique. All you need is just an average amount of muscle and keep fat at a minimum level and you'll look great.

Kellon Lutz Diet Plan 

Kellon Lutz approach to diet is 'eat frequently in small quantities'. He eats small meals every 2 to 3 hours and make sure he never skips breakfast. He uses this technique to manage body weight without allowing himself to feel deprived or ravenously hungry. Before bedtime Lutz would eat a boiled egg to keep his metabolism active.

Final Tips 

Kellon Lutz use fitness not just for the physical strength and beauty that comes from it, but the mental benefits as well. He tells 'Men's Health' whenever he gets frustrated he goes to the gym and let it off by working out. One great lesson you should learn from Kellon Lutz workout routine is to make fitness a part of your everyday lifestyle. Don't rely only on the gym to be physically active and workout.

You may also realize that Lutz strategy for maintaining his lean and muscular body is keeping an average amount of muscle mass and focusing heavy on losing body fat. A muscle building course that has the same focus is described right here.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Workout Routine For A Beginner To Build Muscle

The type of workout routine you choose to use when you're a beginner building muscle for the first time will greatly determine how well you succeed in your attempt at building a muscular body.

Beginners should not try to train the same way like experience trainers. The beginner needs to take an approach that will maximize their genetic potential to build muscle rapidly and prevent physical and mental harm from over-training.

Beginners Should Set Their Goals Properly 

In order to make the right decision on which routine to employ you should come up with your precise goals. You'll need to decide what type of transformation you want to accomplish. How much muscle you want to put on, what do you want your body to look like, and in what period of time do you want to accomplish the transformation you're after? You need to take those factors into consideration when deciding on a routine.

A Recommended Workout Routine For Beginners 

If you're a beginner newly getting into bodybuilding, most likely you need advice as much as possible. Unless you're planning to compete in professional bodybuilding competitions the best approach for beginners is to aim for the lean and toned body type.

This look is the type that male models and Hollywood actors possess. You'll look muscular but not huge like a bodybuilder. This is the muscular body type for good looks and style, and you can get this look within months if you use the right workout routine.

Get The Program That'll Guide You To Build Muscle Fast And Properly

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Megan Fox Workout And Diet Routine Plus Tips For Women To Get A Body Like Megan Fox

Before she became pregnant, Megan Fox focused her diet and workout routine on maintaining an ultra slim body. Even though the actress maintains a very slender figure she normally keep a bit of curve which is the look lots of women prefer to have instead of the extremely skinny body type. Megan once lost all her curves by going on a strict vegan diet which lead her to display a completely skinny frame. The star remained on the vegan diet for a few months then ditched it after losing too much weight. She said: "For a year and a half, until about four months ago, I followed a strict vegan diet based on raw fruits and vegetables, no bread, sugar and coffee. But I had lost too much weight". So below is Megan Fox's normal diet and workout routine for maintaining her captivating slim physique with a little curve, which hopefully she regains after making her baby.

Megan Fox Diet Plan 

Fox's personal trainer Harley Pasternak revealed that the actress followed his 5 Factor diet, which makes Megan eat five small meals a day and includes the five dietary factors including healthy fats, lean protein, fibre and a non-sugar drink. Harley added 'If Megan needs to snack between meals then she has our 5-Factor crisps which keeps her satiated between meals.'

Megan Fox Workout Routine 

Megan and Pasternak trained three times a week doing circuit training. Circuit training is short bursts of resistance exercise using moderate weights and frequent repetitions, followed quickly by another burst of exercise targeting a different muscle group. She got 25 minutes of exercise each day broken down into 5 sessions that last 5 minutes each. When it comes to maintaining her curves, Pasternak added: 'Megan wants her body to reflect who she is. She looks awesome. She’s natural, softly spoken and her personality shines through her fantastic shape. That's right, she does look great in pictures and movies. No denying that.

Women Do You Want A Slim Body With A Little Curve Like Megan Fox?

If you're a woman that want a look similar to Megan Fox's then your aim should be to get a slim and toned body with a little muscle mass in all the right places. If you look at the pictures of Megan Fox you'll notice she has a little muscle popping out on her thighs, her midsection is well defined and her upper body is nicely toned. Her personal trainer knew exactly what he was doing to give the actress the right look.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fat But Want To Build Muscle? - The Best Advice For People That Have Fat To Lose And Want To Build Muscle

There are many people that want to build some muscle to increase their fitness level and improve their appearance but they have some much visible fat they need to lose as well. If you're in this situation, you may want to know the best steps to take to get lean and build quality muscle in the most effective way.

The question of 'the best approach to use when you're fat but want to build muscle'? is very much asked on practically every fitness website and forum online that you visit. Yet, it seems like there is no straight forward answer to this question at all.

Some people believe the best thing to do is lose all your fat before attempting to put on muscle, and many others contend that it's best to start building muscle while you still have all your fat on your body. There is apparently no concrete scientific rule that states the right step to take in this situation neither.

Therefore, I've decided to research on a number of people who were fat at the time they made the decision to start building muscle, and after taking note of the approach they used and the results they got, along with including my own knowledge in the analysis, this is my best advice below.

Building muscle and losing fat are two different propositions as far as the body is concerned. To build muscle your body needs enough calories for building up muscle tissues (anabolism), whereas to lose fat your body needs fewer calories in order to lose stored energy (catabolism).

However, there is no one specific approach that works equally for everyone when it comes to building muscle and losing fat.

People's body react differently to diet and exercise, influenced by factors such as genetics, age and training history. Whatever approach people take, whether it's cutting fat first, building muscle first or doing both together they get different results according to their individual body type and circumstances.

However, when you have a lot of fat on your body and want to get ripped, and more precisely end up with a lean and muscular physique, it's not a good idea to start building muscle without doing anything about the fat.

You should aim to reduce body fat from the beginning of your fitness program, but that doesn't mean you should put building muscle on hold. The idea is to start your muscle building workout routine like normal, but also make provisions for fat loss by working with the right diet plan and cardio program.

Doing this will allow you to minimize further fat gain while gaining muscle and shed pounds of fat according to the way your body responds.

According to the results you're getting after a certain amount of time working with this you can accurately decide whether to make appropriate adjustments to boost your fat burning capacity in order to start getting results you're satisfied with.

Essentially, your best approach will be using a workout routine that incorporates both muscle building and fat burning efforts, then adjusting your program if you need to as you go along to get the results you really want.

This is another top reason why I recommend Visual Impact Muscle Building to use as a guide when attempting to build muscle and your aim is to look as lean as possible at the same time.

Rusty, the creator, pays attention to the fact that everyone's situation is different and will need to take different approaches. As a result, he shows users how to adjust the program to suit the specific condition of their body so they can get the right results.

You'll also like the fact that Visual Impact Muscle Building includes a well designed fat loss program to make you combat the fat very effectively while sculpting a stunning muscular physique.

The program works with 3 phases, each phase affects fat loss and muscle building in a slightly different way, so you can switch to whichever phase that's best for the specific condition of your body to get the precise results you're after.

The program is also optimized for you to achieve maximum sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (significant increase in muscle size) from your training without overloading or bulking up with calories which is the best approach for someone that have much fat to lose and want to build muscle.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

How To Lose Belly Fat To Cut Down The Size Of A Big Belly

It's not good having an oversize belly filled with fat. This is not only bad for your appearance but your health is in danger as well.

Health experts have confirmed that excess belly fat increases your risk of heart disease and other life threatening medical conditions. You will however lose unhealthy stomach fat if you make a commitment to use the right diet and exercise plan.

What Causes Excess Belly Fat?

No matter where you store it, excess body fat is always caused by over-consumption of the wrong type of foods. Whenever you eat a lot of foods high in calories, especially fat and sugar, and don't do enough physical activity to burn it off the body will store the excess calories for later usage.

Most people will find that they have more fat stored on the belly than other areas of their body. The reason for this is the body find it easier to store fat in the abdominal area because it doesn't require much energy to carry it around.

A lot of people do not have a problem with the overall size of their body, they are disturbed mainly with the fatty appearance of their abdominal area. For  that reason they are focused specifically on cutting down their belly size.

The Right Way To Lose Belly Fat

There is no magic method that targets fat around the belly and burn it off with little or no effort. Forget about drinking a slim fast product that'll work on burning away fat from your stomach while you just sit around and continue eating like normal.

Losing belly fat requires the same approach that's used for losing fat in the whole body, which is attained through proper control of your diet and doing enough exercise. However, you can use a diet and exercise program that'll have maximum effect on burning away belly fat, which is oftentimes the hardest area to lose fat in the body.

What Should A Diet For Losing Belly Fat Be Like?

The best diet plan to help you lose belly fat is one that controls calorie-intake and includes the right type of foods. You'll need to eliminate bad fat and sugar foods that causes fat storage due to the high amount of calories they contain and lack of healthy nutritional properties.

You should make sure you don't completely cut out all carbohydrates and fats from your meals though.

There are good carbs and fats that should be included in your diet because they'll help alter natural hormone levels in the body to help reduce body fat.

Exercises To Break Down A Big Belly

For the best results, your exercise program for losing belly fat should include a combination of strength training, cardio exercises and abs training. These exercises, when combined, will not only create a big impact on burning belly fat, they'll tone your body to make you look more attractive as well.

Strength training will build muscle tissues which is good for boosting your metabolism and toning your body. Your metabolism is responsible for burning fat in the body. The higher your metabolism rate is the more calories you'll burn even when you're sleeping.

People that eat lots of food yet never show a big belly, naturally have a very fast metabolic rate. A slow metabolism will cause you to gain fat easily but you can boost your metabolism with the right strength training exercises. 2-3 strength training exercise sessions a week is recommended.

Cardio exercise will use up energy and burn calories that's stored in your body. The best form of cardio workout is Interval Training. It incorporates alternating between high and low intensities. This will make your exercise sessions much more effective for fat loss.

It's recommended to perform cardio 5 days a week when trying to lose belly fat.

Direct abs exercise would not really make you lose belly fat but it's important to include them in your program to help tone and firm your stomach. Such exercises include Bicycle, Ball Crunch, Long Arm Crunch, Reverse Crunch and Plank.

If You Want To get Lean And Ripped, have A Look At these Top Guides For Men And Women

Thursday, September 13, 2012

How Can A Woman Get A Slim Body?

If you're a woman that's aiming to get a slim body, welcome to the article that'll guide you properly to achieve this goal. Most guys aim is to have a lean and muscular physique. On the other hand, while there are many women that enjoy building muscle, the majority of women will be content with just losing fat and maintaining a slim figure.

Slimming down and getting into better shape is a dream that lots of women consistently wish to turn into a reality, but they're oftentimes set back by lack of the right knowledge to make this happen or they just do not have the motivation to take action and stick to it.

Basically, there is only one thing between you and getting the slim and well trimmed body of your everyday dreams.

This unwelcome possession is no other than excess body fat. Therefore, another way to refer to 'getting a slim body' is 'losing excess body fat'. You'll learn in this article how to lose your surplus of fat and reveal the slim physique that is covered up underneath. When you successfully reach this point there is no doubt your confidence will be boosted and you'll be able to do things that you couldn't have done before.

Why You Have Excess Body Fat?

It'll be unwise to try tackling a problem without first learning why you're there in the first place. People accumulate excess fat from overeating. That doesn't necessary mean that you rammed more food in your stomach during meals after being filled.

Overeating simply means you ate more food than was needed for your level of physical activity at least on some days. You see, food is needed for giving your body energy to function daily. The unit of measurement for this energy is called calories.

Each and every movement your body makes uses up calories. Of course, the more energy required by the activity the more calories you'll burn. When you consume foods high in calories and don't burn all of it through physical activities, guess gain fat, causing you to drift further and further away from a slim body.

What Needs To Be Done To Lose The Excess Fat?

This is where it gets tricky. Mainly, fat loss includes diet - eating in a special way to control calorie intake, and exercise - making the body move to burn off stored calories. However, losing body fat is a very popular and also very controversial topic.

There are many approaches to losing fat that are considered to be unsafe, and other approaches that are not really unsafe but may be ineffective. My aim in this article is to fill you in on the safe and effective way of getting a slim body.

I'll explain the appropriate things to do under both diet and exercise that'll allow you to burn your excess body fat and finally get the body that'll have you smiling whenever you look in the mirror.

Diet - Eating To Get A Slim Body 

As said, eating too much calories and not burning all of it off is what leads to weight gain. Therefore, controlling your eating habits is certainly necessary for burning fat. Basically, you'll need to control the quantity of food you're eating as well as the type of foods included in your diet to get a lean and healthy body.

You'll need to eat less food in general, but you do not have to starve yourself. The idea is to reduce your intake of foods that'll quickly lead to fat storage in your body, specifically sugary and fat foods.

Some type of foods you most definitely need to avoid are cakes, sweet drinks, sodas, chocolate, ice-cream margarine, butter, oil and fast-foods. A once in a while approach to eating some of these foods in moderation won't prevent you from getting slim, but you must stick to controlling yourself.

Celebrities such as Jordin Sparks and Jennifer Hudson who've drastically slimmed down said this was the technique they used to successfully achieve their weight loss.

Exercise - Working Out To Get A Slim Body 

If you want a slim body fast, you'll need to take a strategic approach to exercising for fat loss. This will largely involve the types of exercises that you perform. But, other factors such as the number of hours and days spent exercising also matters.

The best approach is to use a balanced program that combines the use of cardio activity and strength training for the most effective and fastest fat loss results.

You can simply do walking and jogging as your type of cardio. 30-45 minutes of walking 5 days a week will have great effect.

If you have access to a gym or have your own exercise equipments, you have an advantage to mix up various exercises for increased effectiveness.

It's recommended to use a balanced program that combines the use of cardio activity and strength training for the most effective and fastest results.

Why perform a combination of the two? Here's why...

Cardio exercise such as running on a treadmill, riding an exercise bike and climbing on a stair simulator or elliptical machine, both at a moderate and high intensity level, increases heart rate and burns calories.

Strength training exercises such as free weights, machine weights and pushups builds muscle tissues, and  muscles also help burn fat. Therefore, you'll be increasing the pace at which you get a slim body when your exercise program includes performing both types of exercise.

How To Start Your Journey To Getting A Slim

Once you begin making changes to your diet and increase your level of physical activity you'll soon start seeing the weight going down. Start off by reducing the consumption of fat and sugary foods in your diet.

Make a schedule to start walking and jogging or join a gym to do exercise daily. I think one of the biggest factors that prevent women from starting a diet and exercise plan to lose weight is fear of failure. They believe they would not be able to keep up with their routine and see results.

Honestly, it's not as hard as you think. You can use a flexible program that's suitable for your specific situation and individual goals. You may want to focus more on diet over exercise or focus on exercise more.

This can also work well once you do it properly. I recommend using a program that's professionally designed to guide you properly according to the approach you want to use.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

8 Benefits Of Building Muscle Apart From Good Looks

Most people focus on how building muscle can improve their appearance when aiming for this goal, such as make their body look fuller and more toned. However, there are numerous health benefits that are gained from building muscle which many people may not be aware of. If you're not concerned about looks like most people do, you'll be happy to know that you can gain the following other benefits when you get into muscle building.

1. Added Power And Strength

By building muscle you will become physically stronger and more powerful which will make any physical tasks easier to accomplish like lifting and carrying heavy things.  

2. Increases Bone Strength

Building muscle and working out increases your bone strength. This helps a lot especially as you get older and require stronger bones. Having strong bones also reduces your chance of getting any bone related illnesses or issues.

3. More Energy  

Another great benefit of building muscle is the increase in energy you will gain. You don't get tired as easily and your stamina lasts longer. In today's society of hustle and bustle, more energy is a wonderful thing.

4. Better Ability To Play Sports 

Most sports require lots of energy, strength, resistance and power which are results you'll get from building muscle. So you will perform better when playing sports and also do other intense exercise easily like running and lifting heavier weights.

5. Stronger Immunity Against Disease 

Building up your muscles enhances your overall health which will greatly reduce your chances of getting many health problems and diseases. This is extremely beneficial since good health is paramount of possessions in life for everyone.

6. Burns Body Fat

Building muscle increases your metabolism - so essentially this means your body burns more calories which will contribute to a lean healthy body.

7. Diminishes Signs Of Aging 

Another good benefit of building muscle is that it makes you look and feel younger. The reason it does this is because it slows down the aging process. You will look younger next to people who are the same age like you.

8. Reduce Stress And Promotes Well Being 

Working out is a great hobby you can use to release yourself from stress as well as calm tension and anger. Building muscle will also make you more motivated in your daily life, as a result you will be more productive and optimistic.

So there you see the number of other benefits you can gain from building muscle apart from just looking attractive. Therefore, if you are not interested in getting into muscle building for the sake of improving your appearance, considering the number of other great benefits you can gain, there must be a worthwhile reason to make you finally start a muscle building regime.