Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Your Last Bit Of Body Fat May Be Water Retention

Water Retention Might Be Preventing You From Getting The Definition You Want 

What you believe may be the last bit of body fat could very well be water. If your body fat level is pretty low and your body is really lean in some areas and not as lean in other parts, you should read this. You see your body tends to hold water under your skin unless you take certain precautions. This is called subcutaneous water and it could prevent you from looking ripped.

What Causes Water to Get Stored Under The Skin?

Your body stores water just like it stores fat. It is obviously an important part of keeping you alive like fat storage. Subcutaneous water is what you want to minimize and it's caused by a couple of things. When you have too much sodium in your system, water binds to that sodium and causes this water retention. The more excess sodium in your system, the more likely you will end up with this layer of water under your skin.

Does Your Sweat Taste Salty?

In simple terms, subcutaneous water is caused by salt trapped under the skin. When you sweat, you excrete water along with the sodium under your skin. If you sweat and it has a salty taste to it, odds are that you have too much sodium trapped under your skin and you have a decent amount of water retention. The good news is that once you minimize this excess water, you will look much more defined.

How to Get Rid of This Excess Water

You would think that the best way to get rid of this problem would be to drink less water and eliminate sodium from your diet. This is not a good approach. You want to limit your sodium intake to a healthy level and you actually want to drink more water not less. This actually causes your body to release more water through urination, so a lot of that sodium gets washed away in the process. If you drink enough water, you will greatly reduce water retention. The nice thing is that your skin will look better as a result.

Sweating is a Great Technique to Rid The Body of Excess Sodium

If you want to minimize that excess water for an event like going to the beach the following day, here is a great strategy:

Begin your morning by drinking a bunch of water. Keep drinking water throughout the day. In the afternoon go to the gym for a light workout, but be prepared to hit the cardio hard. Work up a sweat with intense cardio and make sure you sip on water throughout the cardio session.

Keep sweating until your sweat no longer tastes salty. If it still tastes salty after your cardio session, hit a sauna and bring a bottle of water, or take breaks to drink water out of a fountain.

Sweat until that sweat is just pure water. After your workout, minimize your sodium intake and keep drinking water until bed time. You will look amazing the following day...no water retention!

Article by R. Moore - an avid fitness trainer that have perfected the right methods to help people get high quality results when building muscle and losing fat. His popular fitness programs are VI For MenVI For Women and VI Cardio.

Lose Body Fat Not Muscle - How To Lose Body Fat Without Losing Muscle

4 Tips To Reduce Body Fat Without Losing Muscle

Like many people that work out, you probably have a bit more excess fat stored on your body than you would like. Lots of guys who are in gyms lift hard during the year to gain mass, but they also have gained some fat during this period of time.

If you want to get an attractive body, you will need to bring your body fat percentage to a really low level.

Reduce Body Fat Without Losing Muscle Tip 1: Continue to Lift Heavy During This Dieting Period

One common thing people do wrong is that they want to lift at high reps to achieve muscle tone. Muscle tone is mainly brought about by having a low body fat level, not the type of lifting you are performing.

The reason you want to continue lifting heavy and gain strength is because you need to make sure you don't lose that muscle you've worked hard to earn. If you lift light at high reps, your body would not have a reason to keep that muscle mass.

Reduce Body Fat Without Losing Muscle Tip 2: Reduce Body Fat at A Slow Rate

You need to give yourself sufficient time to get lean. Many people try to get into shape 2 months before summer or a vacation. I recommend preparing at least 3-4 months, if you want to get ultra-lean without losing your muscle mass.

The slower you reduce body fat, the less likely you will lose muscle. This makes sense because in order to lose body fat you need to consume less calories than what you use up and you need to perform a significant amount of cardio.

In order to drop fat quickly, you have to go too low in calories to maintain the current amount of muscle you have. You will lose muscle mass. If you create a slight calorie deficit and lose only 1 to 2 pounds a week, you are much better off.

Reduce Body Fat Without Losing Muscle Tip 3: Perform High Intensity Interval Training

High Intensity Interval Training is the best form of cardio to burn off body fat without losing muscle mass. To confirm this, let's compare these 2 different types of cardio in a real life setting.

Sprinters have much more muscle than marathon runners. Sprinters perform a quick burst of effort, followed by a period of resting. Marathon runners train using the "slow and steady cardio" that is recommended by most trainers. I don't know about you, but I would rather look like a sprinter.

When you hit cardio, alternate intense sprinting type efforts for 30 seconds followed by a minute or so of a less intense effort. Continue this pattern for 15 minutes. You will burn body fat while keeping that hard earned muscle.

Reduce Body Fat Without Losing Muscle Tip 4: Eat a "Realistic" Strict Diet

If your diet plan is too strict, you would not be able to stick to that diet for very long. My rule of thumb is this.

I try to make sure that at least 75% of my meals are really clean and low calorie. If I decide to eat a bit of junk, I will try to make sure I do so after a long and hard workout. Also, I will eat low carbs during the day before my workout, to maximize the amount of fat burned in my workout. If you have too much carbs in your system while working out, your body will burn carbs instead of the fat off your body.

This really makes a big difference in your quest to reduce body fat.

Note: These tips can help in your effort to lose fat without losing muscle. But if you want a full program to get ultra-lean while maintaining muscle mass you should seriously consider Visual Impact Cardio - it's a top fat loss program online and includes High Intensity Interval Training.

Article by R. Moore - an avid fitness trainer that have perfected the right methods to help people get high quality results when building muscle and losing fat. His popular fitness programs are VI For MenVI For Women and VI Cardio.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Getting Six Pack Abs - How To Really Get A Six Pack Abs

What is the one thing that all of the popular models and most film stars have in common? The simple answer is six pack abs.

A defined middle section is considered to be the Holy Grail of fitness.

If someone has defined abs, that person is usually considered to be in extremely good shape. I believe this may be due to the fact that fat in the abdominal area is usually the last to go, so if someone is defined in that area they're probably in great shape all over.

The strange thing is that if you go into most gyms, you may find that below 5 percent of the trainees actually have six pack abs. Why is that so? This is due to the fact that lots of people do not accurately understand what it takes to get a six pack abs.

Will Working the Core Muscles Get You A Six Pack Abs?

Most people in gyms these days largely focus on core exercises.

They are advised by personal trainers to do all sorts of crazy exercises on exercise balls which supposedly forces the body to stabilize itself using "core muscles."

Focusing on the core muscles supposedly tones the abs to achieve a six pack abs. I see personal trainers devoting close to 1/2 of the client's time focusing on exercises which work the core.

The funny thing is that despite doing this week after week none of these people do not get closer to getting six pack abs.

Will Performing Tons of Crunches Give A Six Pack Abs?

Another advice given to people is to work the abdominal area hard every day. There are many exercises that focus directly on the abdominal muscles.

Lots of people use various floor exercises such as crunches or sit-ups. People also use machine workouts in their quest for a six pack abs.

Some people recommend working the abs every day or every other day. Many of them tell you to use high reps and no weight or heavy weight like every other muscle.

I see many people do this every week and guess what..not many of those people have six pack abs!

Learn from Someone Who Has Six Pack Abs.

I have a very defined midsection I maintain year round, however it was not always this way.

I followed the different recommendations above and failed to get that six pack look. Believe it or not, a back injury helped me figure out what works best to get six pack abs! Let me elaborate...I sustained a back injury 5 years ago and was unable to perform any crunch movement without pain. I was bummed out, because I had a vacation to Cancun planned 8 months later.

I wanted to look great in a swimsuit and have firm six pack abs. I had to give up on working my abs directly for 8 full months! I was convinced that my abs would look flabby.

A crazy thing happened...I had amazing six pack abs in time for my vacation and I didn't do one ab exercise for 8 months!

My Approach to Getting Six Pack Abs.

Since that time I haven't worked abs directly at all and my midsection looks better than ever. I am convinced that having six pack abs showing is 95% about your body fat percentage and maybe 5% or less about working the abs.

You see, all of us already have a nice six pack...it is just hidden under a layer of fat. I guarantee that if you get your body fat to 10% or lower, you will have amazing six pack abs for the world to see.

My recommendation is to drop your ab workout and spend that time on cardio. You want nice abs? Hit the Treadmill or the Elliptical Machine. Seriously, it's the only way you will ever see those abs.

Article by R. Moore - an avid fitness trainer that have perfected the right methods to help people get high quality results when building muscle and losing fat. His popular fitness programs are VI For Men, VI For Women and VI Cardio.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Get A Body Like Taylor Lautner - How To Build Muscle To Get Ripped Like Jacob Black Actor Taylor Lautner

If you've seen the Twilight movie series starting from 'New Moon' you were probably impressed with the muscular body of Jacob Black played by Hollywood actor Taylor Lautner.

The guy has a nice lean and muscular body that he initially gained because it was a necessity for the character Jacob Black, but he is also getting a lot of attention for the look of his physique. Taylor Lautner's body consists of all the right features for a Hollywood male image. He is very lean and have the right amount of muscle on his frame.

Taylor Lautner's body is a great example of the new male 'Hollywood look'. Many other Hollywood actors got the same type of physique for movie roles including Brad Pitt, Daniel Craig and Ryan Reynolds. They built muscle to look more muscular but they did not become huge and bulky.

What's The Secret To Get A Body Like Taylor Lautner

If you want a body like Taylor Lautner then you'll need to start building up a good amount of muscle mass but always keep in mind that you don't want to become overly muscular.

If you are following a good program it may take you a couple months to gain a sufficient amount of muscle to transform your body, but it's easy for guys to get carried away in the process and develop the desire to gain more and more muscle until they start looking too huge.

Taylor Lautner's body is not about excessive amounts of muscle mass to create a massive muscular look, it's more about having the right amount of muscle without fat.

Taylor Lautner's goal was to gain 30 lbs of muscle to create the transformation he wanted. He started working out right after Twilight finished filming, and according to Taylor Lautner he had to work really hard to achieve his goal.

His personal trainer made him push his limits during workout sessions to build muscle fast and effectively. More weights were added to what  Lautner could've normally lift for a given number of reps to create bigger stress on the muscle.

More stress equals more muscle growth. But, Taylor Lautner's personal trainer did not allow his client to do the forbidden by working the muscle too much. He made Lautner who was 17 years old at the time  do what was necessary to get the right results and get it quick. He made sure the actor got enough rest for the muscle to recover properly as well as eat correctly for maximum effect.

Best Course For The Lean And Muscular Look Like Taylor Lautner

Get A Body Like Nelly - How To Get A Well Defined Muscular Body Like Rapper Nelly

The rapper Nelly has an amazing muscular body that women admire and guys envy. However, Nelly didn't come by that muscular body accidentally. The rapper's physique is the end result of much devotion to the gym and consistently working out hard.

Nelly started working out when he was 25 years old which was a good starting point for the rapper. When you're in your late teens to mid-twenties you'll be able to put on muscle more rapidly if you're working out for the first time once you're following a good program.

Since that time Nelly has made sculpting and maintaining a stunning muscular body a very important part of his lifestyle. 

Nelly did an interview with Mens Fitness Magazine some time ago where he talked about some aspects of his workout routine for maintaining his body as well as some of the challenges he faced during his journey to get the great body he has today. 

Therefore, if you want to get a body like Nelly continue reading to find out how.

To Get A Body Like Nelly You Need To Build Muscle Without Fat Or Bulk.

First of  all,  it's important to take note of the type of physique that Nelly has, because it'll require taking the right approach in your effort to get a similar body. 

Nelly has what I would call an 'ultra lean and muscular' physique. This means he is muscular but his body fat level is very low and his muscle is well proportionate. For this reason, Nelly doesn't look bulky or bloated like many professional bodybuilders. This is the ideal body for looking stylish. 

The route to getting a body like Nelly is to build muscle without fat and get that muscle to reach it's maximum point of density after it is gained.

Nelly stated that due to his body type it wasn't easy for him to build up muscle mass. This is a situation lots of guys face.

If you're a naturally slim person and always have been no matter how much you eat you may not be able to gain muscle as quickly as someone who is able to put on weight easily when they overeat. But, the advantage of this is, it'll be easier to stay lean while gaining muscle which is very important for getting an ultra-lean physique.

Gaining too much fat along with muscle can make your body look soft and bloated in the end. Nelly's body is very lean because he also performs enough cardio to keep his body fat level extremely low.

Your specific body type and situation will determine how much calories you should eat as well the level of cardio you should perform to build a lean physique. Remember, you have your specific body type and special genetic makeup, so the way by which you build muscle will be special to you.

However, keep in mind that the key to getting your body to look  lean and muscular like Nelly is to to build muscle proportionately, without fat and with maximum density. VIMB is the program any guy can use to these results and more.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Getting A Body To Attract Women - How To Get A Muscular Body That Women Will Find Attractive

A muscular body that has too much muscle mass creates an unattractive look. Although most personal trainers believe you should gain as much muscle as possible, this is not the best route if you're desiring to get an attractive body.

In order to attract women, the best approach is to focus on a lean muscular body that's well defined and not a bulky muscular one.

I Am About to Make a Large Group of Bodybuilders Angry.

Whether you believe it or not, having too much muscle mass will give you a cheesy look.

It's true, when women are polled they find too much muscle mass a major turnoff. It is hard to look "GQ" or "hip" when you have a large amount of muscle mass on your frame.

How are you going to look slick and stylish if you have so much muscle mass that you can't fit into a normal pair of pants or find shirt that fit you?

Women Prefer Men With Average Amounts of Muscle Mass, but With Exceptional Tone.

If you want a body that women find attractive then you will want to take a close look at men that women go crazy for. Here are a few examples:

1. Abercrombie Models
2. Calvin Klein Models
3. Soap Opera Stars
4. Actors (Jamie Foxx, Matthew Mcconaughey, Hugh Jackman, Brad Pitt, etc.)

All these men have one thing in common. They all have an average amount of muscle mass. They also keep their body fat levels low to show of great muscle tone. It's very easy to look hot in clothes with that body type.

You Can Easily End Up Looking Bulky If You Are Working Out To Impress Other Guys In Your Gym?

I know this sounds ridiculous, but I think this is a major reason that guys put on as much muscle mass as they can. Guys are competitive by nature, so they end up competing with each other in the gym as well.

The young guys see the older guy with huge arms, throwing around heavy weights and soon that becomes their role model. They go on a quest to gain as much muscle mass as possible, without realizing that it isn't an attractive look.

Don't Get Caught Up In the "Muscle Mass" Trap and You Will Attract More Women!

It is really easy to get sucked into the desire to gain as much muscle mass as possible. Huge guys get a lot of respect in the gym. You will see young guys looking up to the bigger guys in the gym.

However, women think that these big muscular guys look funny. You simply can't look cool and have a large amount of muscle mass at the same time. When you try to wear nice or hot clothes something looks a little out of place.

Separate Yourself From the Goofy Bodybuilders.

So your goal should be to maintain an average amount of muscle mass and burn off all that extra body fat. What you will need to do is spend much more time on cardio and less time with the weights.

Where do you think most of the attractive women in gyms hang out? Yep...the cardio section of the gym. It sounds like a win-win situation to go for the lean and muscular physique.

Get Muscular Fast - How To Get A Muscular Body Fast

The way to get a muscular body fast is to eat and workout the right way so your body can develop effectively and efficiently. You can compare building a muscular body to building a house.

If you're following a good well-designed plan that allows you to carryout the required procedures step-by-step with minimal mistakes or bad outcomes and you have enough labour to push the work hard you'll have a completed house quickly.

In the same way, providing that you use a good diet and workout plan that'll strategically allow you to carryout the required procedures properly and you consistently workout hard you'll get a muscular body fast.

Your Diet And Workout Plan To Get A Muscular Body Fast 

The way by which you're guided to perform required procedures is important for getting a muscular body fast. If you're following a diet and workout plan that is not focused on producing fast results then most likely you would not get results quickly.

It's best to use the correct strategy that'll allow you to get your desired physique at a faster pace.

Building muscle basically requires eating, working out and resting the muscle to recover and grow, but there are steps that can be taken to ensure these are done in the right way to create the most effective and fastest results.

There are many things that can happen during the execution of a workout program that may be considered as bad outcomes or hindrances, thus killing your progress. The key is to take the right approach from start that'll allow you to avoid progress killers.

Another thing you need to pay attention to that'll make you get a muscular body quickly is building muscle in the body parts that you really need to develop and backing down on areas that already have good size.

The approach of adding mass to specific muscle groups is also great for sculpting an attractive body, because we know that muscle mass can make you look good, but too much of it in the wrong body parts can create a terrible look.

 That's the reason the best approach is to use a program you can customize to achieve specific goals according to the present condition of your body. Click here to learn more about a program like this that you'll love.

A Workout Plan To Build Muscle - Helping You Choose A Good Workout Plan To Build Muscle properly

Let's be real! you cannot build an impressive muscular body without a good workout plan.

If you are going to just hit the gym whenever you want and workout how ever you feel like, most likely you won't get any worthwhile results from your efforts.

Whether you have a plan in your head or written somewhere you must be following a properly structured routine to get effective and impressive results.

Choose A Workout Plan That'll Give You The Specific Results You Desire 

If you want to build a hotel you cannot construct it with a plan that is designed to build a hut. Simply put, you won't build an attractive muscular body if you follow a workout plan that is not designed for it.

Don't think that any workout plan will give you the results you're after. Most workout plans are created to build muscle in the path of the standard way of just putting on muscle mass.

These plans are not developed with any strategy to produce results in any special way to ensure you end up with a nice-looking physique. This may be o.k if you don't care much about looking attractive or if you don't have a specific goal for your body that you want to achieve.

If your intention is not just to build muscle but  to strategically add mass to get a specific outcome, combat a particular problem or look in a special way you should choose a workout plan that is created to help you achieve your precise goal.

Top Workout Plan To Get A Well Ripped Physique..

Monday, July 23, 2012

Get A Muscular Body To Look Good - How To Get A Muscular Body To Look Fit And Stylish

It's truly a great thing for guys when they take the time and make the effort to workout to build up a fit and muscular body.

There are many health benefits that results from possessing a muscular physique. Such health benefits include overall increase in immunity against sickness and disease, stronger bones, increased strength and a healthier metabolism.

However, most guys that want to get a muscular body are very focused on how achieving this goal can tremendously improve their physical appearance.

It's true going from skinny or chubby to muscular and ripped can make you get more girls attention, and when you possess a lean and muscular physique it greatly boosts your confidence and increases your level of motivation.

Therefore, it'll really worth it to aim for a fit and muscular body that looks good.

Build Muscle Mass But Not Too Much 

First of all when you're aiming to build a muscular body for good looks you'll need to do whatever is necessary to build up muscle mass.

However, you need to avoid putting on too much muscle to make your body look huge and bulky. An oversize physique due too bulky muscle is not the way to go when you want to look stylish.

Rather, gaining an average amount of muscle mass in accordance with your body type and getting maximum definition for that gained muscle is what will give you the stunning appearance that women like to see.

Male models and many Hollywood actors always aim for that type of physique because it's much better for good looks and style than having an excessive amount of muscle mass.

Despite this, there are some men with a meat-head mentality that have the wrong idea of which muscular body type that looks hot and appealing to women.

Some guys believe that having a big muscle look like professional bodybuilders is the way to impress women, but don't believe this.

The Slim And Muscular Look Is Much More Attractive To Women 

Women prefer the slim and muscular look - which is having just an average amount of muscle to look fit and ripped but ultra lean.

It's true, observe the media including magazines, websites, movies, music videos and more and you'll see that the guys who're always portrayed as attractive men possess this type of body.

On the other, guys that go for the big and muscular look are not so popular with women. Women also tend to be repulsed by the hugely buffed male body type.

If you're building muscle and women start calling you 'muscle man' or 'big muscle man' don't smile and take it as a complement, jump on alert. It is an indication that you're becoming too huge for their taste.

If women find your body type attractive they'll call you something more like 'baby' 'darlin' or 'handsome'. Believe me, huge and muscular is more suitable when you're a competitive bodybuilder.

The ultra lean and toned physique with average muscle mass is right for looking stylish and impressing girls. Just think about the type of women you're attracted to the most, most likely it's women who are slim and have nice shape, not over-sized. 

In the same way women are not very drawn to men that possess too much mass.

How To Get The Lean And Muscular Body 

If your aim is to get a lean and muscular body you'll need to build lean muscle mass in the correct proportion on your body.

Take a look at the picture on the left. This guy is a male model and he has the perfect body for good looks. Women go crazy over this body type. If he becomes bigger this may just ruin the attractiveness of his physique.

If you are serious about getting a body that will drop the jaw of females, grab a copy of the much talked about muscle building course that works Visual Impact

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hugh Jackman Wolverine Workout - The Workout Routine And Diet Plan Hugh Jackman Used For Wolverine

Hugh Jackman is one of The Most Muscular Actors In Hollywood

This article will focus on Hugh Jackman methods which he used to get in such good shape for Wolverine. In case you haven't noticed Hugh jackman is buff. The man has a great muscular physique.

Hugh Jackman was in pretty good shape before he even prepared for his role as Wolverine, but Hugh wanted to add a bit more muscle. It was actually more important for Hugh Jackman to stay lean while gaining muscle. You see, Wolverine was already ripped, it wouldn't have worked for Hugh Jackman to get bulky.

Two Phases: Tempo Phase for Mass followed by Strength Training Phase. Each phase lasted 6 weeks.

Gaining Muscle Phase: Hugh Jackman's trainer changed the tempo that Hugh had been lifting with to force the muscles to adapt...to force the muscles to grow. He had Hugh lift the weight for 3 seconds up and one second down. At first this limited the amount of weight he could lift, but as he adapted it help him put on a lot of lean mass.

Strength Training Phase: This phase was all about lifting as heavy as possible with no rules on tempo. He just wanted to see how heavy he could lift. The great thing about the previous phase is that it made these weights seem lighter. Hugh actually was benching 315 for reps before filming began. He alternated these two phased for 5 months.

How He Stayed Lean During This Training

The last week of each phase, he would lift only once per week and concentrate hard on interval cardio. These workouts were intense and meant to help him burn off any little bit of fat he accumulated during the 6 weeks of each phase.

Every Friday was Bootcamp

He didn't want to follow a typical bodybuilder routine, because he needed to have a sleek strong look, not slow and bulky. This is why he would take part in an hour and a half bootcamp every Friday. It was brutal bodyweight and interval style training to boost the metabolism and keep him lean while gaining strength.

Summary: Hugh Jackman end up looking amazing for his role as Wolverine. He did it by gaining muscle at a slow rate while staying lean the whole time. For most people it is a mistake to follow the bodybuilding approach to gaining muscle...it simply isn't healthy or as effective to gain all the extra fat along with the muscle. Use an approach similar to Hugh Jackman for best results when aiming to get ripped.

Get Proper Guidance To Build The Right Lean And Muscular Physique With VIMB

Ryan Reynolds Workout - Ryan Reynolds Workout And Diet Plan For Blade Trinity

Ryan Reynolds completely transformed his body for the 2004 movie, Blade Trinity. The actor came a long way since Van Wilder and his days as "Berg" on Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place. 

Lots of people want to know what was Ryan Reynolds workout plan responsible for his body transformation from small and skinny to muscular and ripped.

There are lots of actors and actresses in Hollywood that have got in top shape for a movie role, but few have reached the elite level of conditioning that Ryan Reynolds did for Blade Trinity. 

Some other impressive transformations include Daniel Craig as James Bond, Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, Brad Pitt in Fight Club, Cam Gigandet in Never Back Down, and Taylor Lautner in New Moon.

Let's Look At Ryan Reynolds Workout Routine for Blade Trinity in Greater Detail.

Ryan Reynolds was not fat or extremely out of shape when he began training for Blade Trinity. He was at 11% body fat, which is actually pretty lower than many people.

In Van Wilder you can tell that he eats well and maintains a slim physique, he was just lacking muscle density.

First of all Ryan put on 20 pounds of solid muscle in about 6 months of preparation

There is something important here you must understand. When someone hits the weights hard for the first time and eat right, they will put on muscle very easily. 

This is a one-time window of opportunity to gain muscle rapidly. Most men do this in their late teens or early 20's, Ryan simply did this a little later than most, at the age of 26.

Ryan Did a One-Body-Part-Per-Day Blitz to Gain Mass

Day 1: Chest
Day 2: Back
Day 3: Shoulders
Day 4: Legs

Workout Details: He mixed in arm training depending upon how blitz they got during the workout. His workouts were three hours long. Reps were in the 8-12 range. He trained for 2-3 hours at a time, 6 days per 

My Comments: There is nothing even remotely creative or efficient about Ryan Reynold's workout.

True, he did get in great shape for his role in Blade Trinity, but my belief is he could have done so without killing himself in the gym. The 2-3 hours-per-day & 6 days-per-week" mentality is WAY out-dated!

Ryan Reynolds Results Were More About Diet than His Workout

Here is Ryan Reynolds diet plan to get ripped for Blade Trinity:

1. Ate 6 Small meals per day.
2. Didn't worry about restricting carbs (for the most part)
3. Did not eat carbs after 8 pm, but a protein snack if he was hungry.
4. Always included protein with his carbs to make sure there wasn't an  insulin spike.
5. Watched his daily calorie intake.
6. Used creatine as his main supplement.

My comments: Again, some of the thinking behind his diet is pretty old school. The biggest thing that has been proven as a myth is the fact that you need to eat every few hours to gain muscle. 

Several studies from 2007-2009 have shown that the body increases its production of HGH in a fasted state. This preserves muscle mass while attacking body fat.

He was smart on including creatine, as it is the only (legal) supplement proven to build muscle above and beyond a good diet and workout routine.

He also was smart to keep insulin levels stable, as the body cannot burn fat when insulin levels are too high. 

Obviously, what Ryan accomplished was outstanding...it just could have been done with much less time in the gym. He could have incorporated a few HGH boosting strategies which would involve periods of strategic fasts...Allowing him to get ripped with much less effort!

Get Guidance to Get Ripped Fast And Look Stunning

Lose Stomach Fat And Get Nice Abs - The Truth About Six Pack Abs Review

A very common fitness goal among both men and women is to get a flatter stomach or some sort of abs definition. Despite making regular efforts throughout their life most people struggle for years without ever achieving this goal. 

If you're caught up spending hours every week performing abdominal exercises and tried every abs product available on the market yet cannot get a six pack or the desired definition you want for your abs, you should check out this eBook by nutritionist and personal trainer Mike Geary named The Truth About Six Pack Abs.

Not Only For Getting A Six Pack - Also For Combating All Stomach Fat Problems

Though the book is titled The Truth About Six Pack Abs it is not only for people who want to get a six pack.

This book is a great solution for anyone, both men and women, that want to get rid of excess fat stored in the abdominal area or get more attractive abs and want to do so effectively.

The book reveals all the right things one needs to do to get rid of stubborn stomach fat and get nice toned abs.

I Wasted Too Much Time Before Getting This Book 

First of all, I must say that after this book was referred to me by a friend I was a bit hesitant to get it because I didn't believe it was necessary to buy a book to learn how to get a flatter stomach or six pack abs. 

Regrettably, if I had known better I would not have wasted so much time before making the decision to get this awesome book. I have to admit when I went ahead and got the eBook I was extremely pleased with its contents. 

The Truth About Six Pack Abs consists of 106 pages of solid information on how to exercise and diet to lose stomach fat and effectively tone your midsection.

The book begins with an explanation of the different parts of the abdominal area by author Mike Geary. Mike also went on to dismiss many myths about abs training in the fitness industry. Which is very important because so many people are caught up doing the wrong things to lose belly fat or get defined abs.  

The book lists all the best exercises for your abs with pictures included so you can see exactly how to perform them.

The exercises include strength training, cardio and various ab exercises which is the best way to train your abs - a combination of the three. I promise you'll learn lots of new things about dieting and exercising for getting a flat and attractive midsection that'll surprise you. 

You may also find out many mistakes you're  making that's killing your chances of successfully achieving your goal of getting a flatter stomach or the abs definition you desire.

Mike Geary Is A True Professional  

I think what really makes this book stand out as a very reliable source of information on belly fat and abs is the level of expertise and experience of the author.

Apart from working as a personal trainer for many years Mike Geary is also a certified nutrition specialist. He specializes in body fat reduction and functional strength and power training. He also holds a Bachelors of Science degree from Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, PA. He is also a skilful author that has numerous fitness articles written by him on Ezine as well as Muscle and Fitness Magazine. 

The Truth About 6 Pack Abs is presently the #1 selling ebook on stomach fat reduction and six pack abs. More than 1/4 of a million people worldwide has read The Truth About 6 Pack Abs.

With that level of qualification it's clear to see why The Truth About Six Pack Abs is such an impressive book. Not only is Mike highly qualified but he is also very avid about helping people. 

Mike gives customers his email address and sends a helpful newsletter with great workout tips. He seems to genuinely want to help people and not just concerned about selling his book. 

I'm confident that if you get this book you'll be very happy you did.

From the best abs exercises to the best diet plan to get great abs, it's all in Mike's book. If you need professional information on losing stomach fat, getting a six pack or just toning your abs it's all in  The Truth About Six Pack Abs.

Friday, July 20, 2012

A Hardgainers Solution To Building Muscle - The Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Review

I oftentimes see guys struggle desperately trying to put on the desired amount of muscle mass on their body they are after, and it's not because they don't eat or workout properly but it's simply because their genetic traits just doesn't allow them to get the right results they need.

Guys who're faced with this situation are referred to as 'hardgainers'.

But, it's not being classed as a hardgainer or anything else that's frustrating when faced with this problem, rather, it's not being able to get the muscular physique you so desperately desire despite your hard efforts.

I rate Visual Impact Muscle Building as having the best strategy for guys to get an ultra lean physique to look attractive, but if you have a problem packing on muscle you need to check out The Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer

This truly is a great solution for guys who find it difficult to build up muscle mass.

The Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer is developed by nutritionist and bodybuilder Kyle Leon. It's a muscle building program with a workout routine and everything to build muscle, but what's really outstanding about this program is the diet/nutrition software that it comes with.

This software is designed to generate your specific nutritional requirements for building muscle.

How it works? 

The software works by allowing you to enter personal information such as your height, weight, body type and age, then it designs a custom nutrition plan specifically for you based on the data you entered.

Three different meal plans are automatically generated by the software for you that tells you the right foods to eat and the best time to eat them.

And don't worry you'll get your favourite foods to eat because it's fully customizable.

Customization of nutritional requirements is great for creating a proper diet to build muscle  

We know that weight lifting induces muscle growth but if you don't get proper nutrition especially when you're a hardgainer lifting can produce very little or no results.

No doubt, poor or misguided nutrition is often the culprit preventing lots of guys from successfully gaining their desired amount of muscle.

You could be lifting for hours each day, but you won’t put on any muscle if you’re not giving your body the right nutrients.

This is where Kyle Leon’s program is worth it’s weight in gold.

This program is truly a great solution for hard gainers and persons who've hit a muscle building plateau in their workout.

The reason the dieting aspect of the program is so effective is because it tells precisely what to eat to build muscle according to your specific situation.

I highly recommend getting The Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer specifically to use as a nutritional guide when you're aiming to build muscle and can't gain weight easily or hit a muscle building plateau.

Honestly, the workout program of The Somanabolic muscle maximizer is pretty basic but you may want to make good use of it as well according to your situation and specific goals.

Build Muscle Fast - How To Build Muscle Fast When You Want A Hot Muscular Body Quickly

When it comes to achieving a goal like building muscle, most guys want to do this fast. Of course, anything that involves changing a delicate and precious thing like your body must be done at the highest level of safety. 

Therefore, if you're aiming to build muscle fast it is extremely important for this to happen via natural and safe procedures, not by the use of any dangerous products and practices.

Optimizing required procedures for fast results  

An increase in the rate by which you build up muscle mass can happen when you take the right steps to allow those procedures to produce results optimally. 

In other words, it's possible to build muscle at an increased pace naturally when you do the right things in respect to the way you eat and workout that are necessary to produce optimum results. 

Also, though you want to build muscle fast you want to end up with a muscular body that looks good after you complete your workout program, which will require doing things properly to ensure you get this outcome. 

Unless you take the correct approach to avoid final results that you do not desire, you can build muscle fast and end up with a body that doesn't look very attractive in the end. 

I'm pretty sure you'll want to do everything that is necessary to avoid this. Now, let's look at what it takes to build muscle fast so you can get a hot muscular body to flaunt at your next reunion, vacation or wherever you want to show-off. 

Whether you're a newbie to building muscle and want to find out the fast way to get ripped or you're someone who is already into building muscle and just need to increase your mass gaining pace read on because, unlike other articles on the same topic, this article does not just list the basic procedures to build muscle but explains the strategies and steps you can take to build a stunning muscular body fast the natural way. 

Some people will build muscle faster than others based on their specific situation 

There is one thing we first must clearly keep in mind, there will be people who're able to build muscle faster than others based on personal circumstances.

For example, someone who've never worked out to build muscle before will be able to put on muscle more rapidly than someone who've worked out and built muscle in their past. 

Young people in their teens to mid-twenties also tend to pack on muscle more rapidly than people older than that age range. 

Also, genetics like in everything else in life, will allow some people with a particular type of genes to build muscle better or worse than people with the opposite type of genes. 

For instance, can you gain weight easily when you overeat? 

If yes you may be able to build muscle faster than someone who can't gain weight for jack despite stuffing up with excessive amounts of food. 

Now, let's move on to what anyone who wants to build muscle fast needs to do in order to achieve this goal.

Lifting Weights To Build Muscle Fast 

We know that lifting weights is largely essential for muscle building because the muscle needs to be damaged or stressed as much as possible for muscle growth to happen

This is basic and most guys will know that they need to lift heavy with a good volume of sets and reps to tear as much muscle tissue in a workout session as possible, get enough rest for the muscle tissues to repair, get proper nutrition and look forward to lifting heavier for their next workout session to progressively build bigger muscles. 

If you ask most people how to build muscle fast? they will most likely tell you something along this line 

"Eat a lot of food, lift heavy weights, get enough rest and progress to lifting heavier weights". 

However, as mentioned above this article is not aimed at just telling the basics of building muscle. It's aim is to let you find out the right strategy you can use to build muscle as fast as possible naturally.

If you really want to build muscle fast and ensure you end up with a body that will look attractive you don't just want to focus on lifting heavy weights you also need to pay attention to all the different elements of weight lifting for muscle growth. 

The type of set and rep scheme you're using in your workout can drastically affect the rate at which you pack on muscle. 

Even small factors such as resting periods between sets and rep tempo can have great effect on how fast you build muscle. 

There are 2 different types of muscle growth that most people don't pay attention to when building muscle. 

Most articles I read on building muscle only talks about 'Muscular Hypertrophy' which means muscle growth but they don't mention the 2 different types. 

'Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy' and 'Myofibrillar Hypertrophy' are the names of the 2 muscle growths. 

The main difference is Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy makes the muscle grow significantly bigger and Myofibrillar Hypertrophy cause the muscle to grow at a much slower rate but much stronger and denser. 

Therefore, knowing how to structure your workout to get the right ratio of the 2 muscle growths at the right time will allow you to build muscle fast as well as get the desired look you want for your body. This is just one strategy. 

Another strategy you can use to get your desired muscular body at a faster pace is to focus your mass building workouts on specific muscle groups you really need to add size to and do less lifting for body parts that don't need much development. 

For example, if you naturally have toned abs and and muscular legs but a flimsy chest then the best thing to do is spend most of your time working out to build the chest. 

Not only will you have less work to do in total but the body part you're building will get a higher volume of reps in a workout session which is important for fast muscle growth.

Eating To Build Muscle Fast 

The basics of eating to build muscle fast is to get enough calories and nutrients to fuel your body to build up muscle tissues and for you to function effectively and remain healthy. 

As a result, most people will tell you to get enough protein and carbs in your diet. 

However, there are some things you need to pay attention to in respect to your muscle building diet that can also affect the pace of your muscle growth as well as the look of your physique. 

For example, you need to avoid bulking up on too many calories especially when you're able to gain weight quickly because this can lead to an undesired build up of body fat. 

The key is to eat a quantity of food according to your specific circumstances and body type which will allow you to get the right amount of calories you need to build muscle without gaining a load of fat. Of course, less fat to lose will lead to faster results.

The best resource I've ever come across that consist of all the right information and strategy to build muscle fast and properly is Visual Impact Muscle Building by Rusty Moore. 

This course will teach you a lot about building muscle fast the right way. Visual Impact Muscle Building pays attention to the 2 different muscle growths and uses other effective strategies to make you build muscle fast but at the same time ensure you end up with a well defined muscular body when you complete the program. 

What's the point packing on muscle quickly if your physique won't look impressive in the end. 

I'll say the right way to build muscle fast is to use the best strategy to achieve quick muscle growth while sculpting a muscular body that'll look stunning in the end. This is what Visual Impact Muscle Building will guide you to do. Make sure you get it now.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Rihanna Diet And Exercise Routine - Lets Look At The Diet And Workout Routine Rihanna Use For Her Body

Singing superstar Rihanna can easily captivate you with her amazing voice, great singing ability and sensational performances on stage, but if you ever look at Rihanna pictures and videos you'll easily fall in admiration for her well shaped and beautifully toned body as well. 

Though Rihanna's schedule is often times very busy she does not allow that to make her stray from her fitness plan and doing all that is necessary to ensure she stay in her best shape. 

Let's take a look at Rihanna's workout and diet routine that's responsible for her amazing physique.

Rihanna Exercise Routine 

According to Rihanna's personal trainer Harley Pasternak the singer usually works out at least three times a week for around 25 minutes.

Her exercises include cycling, skipping, stationary jogging and jumping jacks.

Harley added, due to Rihanna's hectic schedule and regular touring she does not always have time for and access to a gym, so most of these exercises are often done in her hotel room or backstage before a show.

Rihanna commences her cardio session with 30 minutes of cycling, jump rope skipping, jogging and jumping jacks to boost her heart rate.

All these are exercises Rihanna can do in a hotel room with exercise equipments and in one spot in the room.

This is a great way for anyone to squeeze in exercise in a busy schedule or if you don't like gyms and exercising outside.

You just need to invest in one or two good exercise equipments and get your exercise at home anytime.

These cardio workouts are very effective at burning body fat which will keep Rihanna looking lean and stunning.

Rihanna also does a combination of martial arts, dancing and sit-ups with torso rotations for targeting the core muscles.

These workouts have done well for Rihanna's tone and definition in her middle section.

She does push-ups and sit-ups to tone her arms and chest. Pasternak also stated the singer loves skater lunges, deadlifts and dumbbell work out as well.

Rihanna Diet Plan 

Rihanna's diet is geared towards fueling her high-energy demands for performing in live shows, high-energy exercises and a hectic lifestyle.

Rihanna's diet consist of protein, carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables in the right proportions.

The protein and carbohydrates will help Rihanna re-fuel muscles and keep energy levels up while the fruits and vegetables will give her body the antioxidants, vitamins and minerals it needs for good health. Rihanna's diet consists of 5 healthy meals a day.

Whenever Rihanna wants to lose weight she'll cut back on calories a bit but at the same time ensure she continues to get plenty of nutrients.

When she had to lose weight for her role in "Battleship" she applied that principle and lost her weight without severe calorie limitation.

To Get A Body Like Rihanna?

I know there are lots of women out there who would love to get a body like Rihanna.

While every woman have their own unique shape, there is one thing that matters for every woman's body to look attractive, and that is not having a load of excess body fat.

Too much fat on any person can seriously rob them off the beauty of their body. Can you imagine Rihanna being extremely overweight?

I bet she'll not have the same type of appeal that she's known for now. So it's worth it a whole lot to seriously commit yourself to get as lean as you can, which will not make you get Rihanna's body but the slim and sexy body that belongs to you.

I know fat loss is not always easy but if you use the right program and stick to it you'll get desired results.

Another thing that contributes to Rihanna's stunning appearance is her amazing muscle tone which she achieved through specific workouts.

A bit of muscle tone when you're lean can give you curves and really enhance the look of your body.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Trey Songz Workout Routine - The Workout Routine And Diet Plan Trey Songz Use To Keep His Body In Good Shape

R&B singer Trey Songz was painfully skinny back when he just came on the music scene. The singer successfully gained some muscle mass recently to flaunt a much more muscular build. 

However, Trey Songz kept his muscle gains at an average level. He did not go for a massive amount of mass, instead he looks a bit slim with an ideal amount of muscle and it does look very impressive. 

Trey's new body is another good example of the type Visual Impact Muscle Building is geared to help guys get. It's aim is to guide men to build an ultra lean and muscular physique that'll look attractive and not the huge bodybuilder look.

In in an interview with AllHipHop.com Trey Songz revealed information about his workout routine and diet plan for staying in great shape. Here's how it goes..

Trey Songz Workout Routine 

On his workout routine Trey Songz said he workout a lot but doesn't rely only on a gym to do so considering that he does a lot of touring.

Trey will do about 200 pushups a day. He also does situps, but not so much because they're harder for him. 

If the hotels that he go to have a pool he'll try to swim a couple of laps. If they do have a fully-equipped gym he’ll go in there and work out for an hour or two. 

Trey Songz also does a lot of running during the week. "I try to run a couple of miles a week just to keep my endurance up"  said Trey. 

When Trey Songz is extremely busy, like when he is in the studio working on a production, all he may be able to do are pushups to keep his body. 

However, when Trey wants to build mass he must hit the gym because pushups are not as effective for building up muscle mass. 

Gaining muscle mass requires resistance from heavy weight lifting. Pushups may work to build a bit of muscle when you're just starting out but eventually you'll need to progress to heavier weights  to add more mass.

Trey Songz Diet Plan 

When Trey Songz was asked about his diet there was one thing he was very greatful to be blessed for which is his fast metabolism.

As a result of his higly active metabolism Trey Songz said that he can eat whatever he want. 

He eat steak almost every other day when he's on the road because it’s one of the easiest things to get access to in these restaurants. 

"I eat a lot if it's steak and chicken, and I try to get vegetables with all of my meals like fresh broccoli and potatoes. Something that can stick to my ribs, because sometimes you don’t know when you’re gonna eat again out here. I try to eat something that’s gonna carry me a long way but I eat a lot actually. Anytime we on our way from a soundcheck or on our way to or from a show, we’re trying to eat" stated Trey. 

But Trey try not to eat a lot of fast foods though he's often forced to.

Trey Songz did not reveal his exact workout and diet program that's responsible for his body transformation, but he must have took the right approach to build muscle without bulking up or gaining muscle in the right  places his body in order to come by the impressive lean and muscular physique he now proudly owns. 

This is the same approach you'll be guided to take with the Visual Impact Muscle Building Workout Program.