Thursday, January 10, 2013

Running Is More Effective To Burn Fat Than Walking

Nowadays it is believed the best way to reach a target heart rate and burn body fat steadily is to walk at a moderate pace on a treadmill. It’s common to see in just about every gym that you go to people moving slowly during their exercise session on the treadmill.

These are the same people that never seem to reduce enough body fat despite exercising this way year after year. Honestly, this isn't the most effective way to exercise to burn body fat.  You need to start running if you want to get very lean.

In Rocky 1, 3 and 4, Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) was running to burn fat and it worked wonders for him. Actually, his cardio workout was not confined to a gym. The guy ran up and down stairs, on the beach and through the snow. The point is he ran a lot to burn fat, not just walk.

Running Vs Walking To Burn Fat

Whenever one walks on a treadmill and meet a moderate heart rate, a large percentage of the calories that get burn is going to come from fat. If you run, a lower percentage of the calories you burn come from fat, but you will burn a higher amount of calories from the workout.

When you run, you will burn more total fat and more calories. You may burn a lower percentage of the calories from fat, but the total is still much higher than walking.

When You Run To Burn Fat You Will Continue To Burn Fat Even After the Workout Finishes.

Here is the trick. Walking does not boost your metabolism as much as running. When walking to burn fat you are  really only burning fat during the workout. On the other hand, running boosts your metabolism and turns your body into a fat burning machine - melting body fat away even while you are sleeping. The better you get at running, the leaner you will become.

Think about it, have you ever seen a track athlete that looks overweight? You can do a lot of walking, but you will be wasting too much time if you want to get a lean body fast? I observed a lot of folks that walk for near around a hour per day and never seem to improve the look of their body.

Try to get into the habit of running to burn fat instead of walking when your aim is to get lean quickly and you will see much better results.

If you want a great program that will guide you properly to burn body fat effectively with cardio, take a look at Visual Impact Cardio. This top program is guaranteed to make you get as lean as you want to be.

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